Avoid complicating things…

Its Jason Fried of 37 Signals who said “Its simple until you make it complicated“. I agree. It really is, until one starts making it complicated. Let me share a recent, relevant experience… eStomi had had agreed to be vendors to one of our customers to provide niche consultancy on a technology that it had[…]

The “O” factor

Recently, “Omnishambles” was declared Britain’s word of the year. It is defined as “a situation that has been comprehensively managed, characterized by a string of blunders and miscalculations.” I found it interesting as I think that I could relate it with some of our customers as they seem to create such situations (omnishambles) regularly. We[…]

Achche customer services ke side effects

Our journey of managing different sets of customers with different expectations continues. We have been able to deliver few important milestones that were pending for ages. We have been able to resolve a few technical glitches that even the product organizations have not been able to. Past few weeks, we have made a few mistakes[…]